(509) 427-5065

Public and Professional Education

Public Education Opportunities

We believe that having trained and prepared community members is one of the best ways to save lives. We offer regularly scheduled First Aid, CPR/AED, and Bloodborne Pathogens classes at our Station in Stevenson.  Alternative scheduling for large groups is available based on need, and we offer on location training for your organization or business.  See our Public Education Training Fees and Payment policies by clicking here

Learn more by emailing:  education@skamaniaems.com or view our currently scheduled classes, to register online by using the “Upcoming Classes” button below –



Training Programs

All Instructors for our classes are EMS Professionals working here in Skamania County. We strive to provide excellent instruction, flexible hours and will accommodate various class sizes.  We also offer classes on location!

Our classes include a multi-media presentation along with much needed hands on training.

Call 509-427-5065 for information and to schedule training.

Professional Education Opportunities

EMT Training

Our agency will periodically offer EMR (Emergency Medical Responder) and EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) courses.  Please reach out to education@skamaniaems.com for details.


Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support courses are designed for healthcare providers.  ACLS is an advanced course that builds on the foundation of lifesaving BLS skills, emphasizing continuous, high-quality CPR and high-performance team dynamics.  Skamania EMS & Rescue utilizes curriculum from the American Heart Association.


Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) uses a series of videos and simulated pediatric emergencies to reinforce the important concepts of a systematic approach to pediatric assessment, basic life support, PALS treatment algorithms, effective resuscitation, and team dynamics.  Skamania EMS & Rescue utilizes curriculum from the American Heart Association.