Skamania EMS & Rescue emergency personnel participated in specialty training for swift water rescue during the days of April 17th, 18th and 19th. The three-day training focused on solidifying existing knowledge and providing new career personnel with the knowledge and skills needed to be certified as swift water rescue technicians.
Skamania EMS & Rescue is continuously evaluating community needs and ways to better serve the public. Skills learned during this training event, will better equip personnel to provide vital rescue services in the event a community member or a visitor to Skamania County experiences an emergency in or near a body of water.
With county population and wilderness tourism growing, the need for highly trained personnel is more crucial than ever before. Funding for this training comes from the Skamania EMS & Rescue annual training budget and is at no increased cost to taxpayers. During this coordinated training event, there was no reduction in emergency medical or rescue response to the citizens of Skamania County.