(509) 427-5065

The Emergency Services Levy
Ensuring continued progress in Skamania County Emergency Services

On January 13, 2025 the Board of Commissioners for the Skamania County Public Hospital District adopted Resolution 2025-01.  By order of this resolution, the Skamania County Auditor is directed to place on the ballot, at the April special election, a proposition authorizing Skamania EMS & Rescue to continue a regular emergency services levy of $0.50 per thousand dollars of assessed property value. 

If reauthorized by the voters, this proposition would allow the agency to continue, for an additional six-years, our levy of $0.50 per thousand dollars of assessed value.  The current EMS levy is set to expire on December 31, 2025, and without continuation we will be unable to fund the improvements our agency has made.  

Over the past six-years, the voter authorized EMS levy has been the backbone of critical improvements to emergency medical operations in Skamania County.  Thanks to the support of our communities, we have been able to exceed planned improvements, enhancing our capabilities and ensuring residents receive the rapid, reliable and high-quality emergency care they deserve.  As the time approaches for us to seek renewal of this vital six-year levy, it’s important to reflect upon the progress we made and what’s at stake for the future of pre-hospital emergency medical care and rescue services in our community. 

When voters authorized the six-year levy in 2019, we were able to accomplish remarkable advancements in our service, including increased staffing levels, updates to emergency medical and rescue equipment and ongoing maintenance to keep these resources in top notch condition.  These improvements have enabled more efficient response times and enhanced the quality of care we can provide during critical incidents throughout Skamania County. 

Key accomplishments our agency has made include: 

Improved staffing:  through cooperative agreements with fire districts and the addition of emergency medical providers we have been able to maintain a stronger, more consistent presence throughout the county.  This ensures providers are readily available, across our county, to address medical emergencies and rescue needs.  As a direct result of taxpayer support, Skamania EMS & Rescue employs eighteen (18) full-time EMS personnel.  These medical professionals operate two (2) Advanced Life Support ambulances 24/7/365 and provide the capability for our agency to staff a Single Resource Response squad.  

Modernized equipment:  the six-year EMS levy has supported the purchase of state-of-the-art medical and rescue equipment.  These tools are necessary and essential components for saving lives, whether it’s advanced medical equipment with new technology, updated extrication tools or upgraded ambulances with improved safety components and which can navigate challenging terrain.  Our agency continues to manage our apparatus, medical and rescue response equipment replacement plans.  Our service employs three (3) primary ambulances and one (1) reserve ambulance, along with three single resource response squads.  With annual miles traveled exceeding 100,000 we replace an ambulance once every two years, keeping our fleet in top operating condition with the safety of both patients and crews in mind. 

Ongoing maintenance and training:  ensuring equipment is operational when emergencies arise is just as important as acquiring it.  The six-year EMS levy has provided necessary funding to keep our equipment maintained and reliable, while providing funds critical to meet and improve required training.  Annually, our providers participate in required training as outlined by the Department of Health.  Further, personnel participate in a robust on-going training program that combines their medical training with the operational skills necessary to facilitate emergency rescues related to motor vehicle, industrial and wilderness related incidents.  The continuing education program outlined by Skamania EMS & Rescue ensures providers have adequate opportunity to perform their skills and knowledge related to emergency medical services, as well as engaging in cooperative training with partner public safety agencies. 

Collectively, these improvements have already made a tangible impact on the lives of Skamania County residents, but our work isn’t done.  A continuation of the six-year EMS levy will allow us to maintain these advancements and continue building a dynamic emergency response system.  Without the continuation of the six-year EMS levy, our agency and the communities we serve will experience a decrease in services currently be provided by Skamania EMS & Rescue. 

Public safety, and more directly the provision of quality emergency medical services is a fundamental responsibility of Skamania EMS & Rescue.  The six-year emergency medical services levy is a direct investment in the health of our community and the funding will support day-to-day operations, as well as the long-term stability of our service.  It will assist us in ensuring we can meet the growing demands of our communities, whether they be increased calls for service or addressing more complex emergencies by maintaining and providing for a well-equipped EMS service. 

In closing, Skamania EMS & Rescue has a long history of dedicated community service.  We have committed the last eighteen months to reviewing the agency’s administrative and operational policies and procedures, have begun streamlining outdated practices and added new opportunities that have and will continue to benefit our communities.  We have worked hand in hand with our fellow emergency response partners to strengthen relationships and build the framework for continued success and prolonged service.  These successes are reliant on two things – hard work and community support.  As we prepare for and look forward to the future we will maintain this commitment to the best of our abilities.  The six-year EMS levy is critical to this endeavor, and we look forward to meeting with our communities to discuss the opportunities your support will provide. 

Join Us to Learn More

Skamania EMS & Rescue remains committed to serving our communities and are dedicated to maintaining the framework for continued success and prolonged serviceFunding from this levy would assist in maintaining current progress and allow us to plan for future growth and community needs. 

We encourage our communities to come to one of the scheduled meetings to learn more about our agency and what the future holds: 

Thursday, March 6  |  6-8pm  |  Underwood

Thursday, March 20  |  6-8pm  |  Station 7-1, Stevenson

Thursday, April 3  |  6-8pm  |  Washougal


Meeting Locations for Underwood and Washougal to be Determined


Frequently Asked Questions

How will Skamania EMS & Rescue use the additional funds if the levy is approved?

100% of funds received from this six-year levy will be used to support continued  operations of our pre-hospital, emergency medical services.


Service Billing

Skamania EMS & Rescue does bill for their services.  But, did you know that residents of Skamania County will not be balance billed if they use our services?  This means, we will bill your insurance and any portion of the costs that they do not cover are waived by us.


How busy is Skamania EMS & Rescue?
We respond to an average of 1,400 + calls per year with 60% of our calls resulting in transport to area hospitals.

How is Skamania EMS & Rescue currently funded?
Primary sources of income include property taxes and fees for service.  Collections from property tax levies represent approximately 55% of our annual revenue, with ambulance service payments and other service related fees averaging 30% of our projected annual revenue.  Donations, grants, public education fees and other taxes (such as Private Harvest Tax)  account for the remaining 15% of our revenue.

What do you mean “continue” the six-year EMS levy?
In 2019, voters authorized the six-year $0.50 EMS levy.  Because the request for a six-year levy beginning January 2020, this means the levy will cease  on December 31, 2025.  Skamania EMS& Rescue will be unable to fund current operations unless voters continue (or renew) the six-year EMS levy.

If voters authorized $0.50 for the EMS levy in 2019, why is my current (2025) EMS levy rate $0.37 per $1,000 of assessed value?
Excellent question!  We’ve dedicated a whole section to provide information on this.  Please see “Let’s Talk About the 1% Property Tax Levy Limit” below.

How much will this levy cost me?
It depends on the value of your home.  For example, if your home and property is valued at $300,000. you currently pay $105.70 on our EMS Levy for 2025.  If the levy is authorized by voters to continue, you will pay $150.00 on our EMS Levy beginning with tax year 2026.  This is an increase of $44.30.

Those numbers (above) are just for the EMS Levy.  What would be the total tax paid by me if this proposition passes?
Current levies authorized by voters in Skamania County include a permanent Hospital District Levy ($0.31/per $1,000) and a six-year EMS Levy   ($0.35/per $1,000).  The latter levy is what would be continued at the rate of $0.50 per $1,000 If voters approve our proposition on the April special election ballot.  Thus, if your home is valued at $300,000, your tax bill for Skamania EMS and Rescue would calculate (approximately) in 2026:  $  93.41 (Permanent Levy) + $150.00 (6 Year EMS Levy) = $243.41 paid for emergency medical services provided by Skamania EMS & Rescue


Let's Talk about the 1% Property Tax Levy Limit

The 1% levy limit restricts the increse (or amount) individual taxing districts can collect to one-percent annually.  This one-precent excludes new construction and state assessed tax.  For example, if Skamania EMS & Rescue collected $925,000 in 2024 on their EMS levy the maximum additional they could collect in 2025 is $9,250 (1%).

To limit the increase to 1% on the levy Skamania EMS is authorized to collect the levy rate (the amount authorized by voters at time of levy approval) is adjusted.  The adjustment considers the total assessed value of the district.  Therefore, if assessed values increase the levy rate is lowered.  If assessed values decreased, the levy rate would increase. However, it could never increase beyond $0.50 (the rate initially authorized by voters).

Below is an example of how the levy rate changes:


$ 925,000  Total Assessed Value of Properties
$        0.50   Levy Rate
$ 462,500   Total Authorized Tax Collections for Skamania EMS

In 2025, Skamania EMS can only collect 1% more, for a total levy collection of $467,125.

If assessed property values increase and the levy rate stays at $0.50, the levy rate needs to be adjusted.


$ 1,000,000  Total Assessed Value of Properties
$  0.466989   Levy Rate
$    467,125   Total Authorized Tax Collections for Skamania EMS

**Levy Rates and total authorized collections are approximate

 Additional information about the 1% property tax levy limit can be found on the Washington State Department of Revenue website here


If the six-year EMS Levy is continued, what would it cost me?

Below are some examples of the increase you would see on your property tax bill if voters authorized continuation of the six-year EMS levy.  Keep in mind, the levy rate that you pay today (on your 2025 property tax bill) has been adjusted to compensate for the one-percent levy limit.  By continuing the six-year EMS levy, the rate resets to $0.50 per $1,000 of assesed value beginning January 1, 2026.