(509) 427-5065

October 29, 2024
Stevenson, Washington
Skamania EMS & Rescue Publishes 2025-2027 Strategic Plan | Preparing for a healthy, strong future

At their most recent business meeting, the Board of Commissioners adopted the 2025-2027 Strategic Plan which will help guide our agency through the continual growth and anticipated community need in upcoming years.  This document is an important tool for agency leadership, helping us to understand where we are, where we need to be and how we hope to get there.  With this plan our agency can focus on prioritizing resources and establish strong work paths to help us meet outlined goals.

The 2025-2027 plan was developed following outreach to our partners in public safety and general government.  Residents from all areas of Skamania County were invited to participate via an online survey and response was healthy.  Our community is invited to read our plan here